After launching the Backstory security analytics platform earlier this year, we’ve seen great interest from companies across the globe. We believe that our biggest wins will come when we work with partners — together we can create better solutions for our customers. In the spirit of combining our technology with partners’ expertise, today our new partner Herjavec group announced that it will be adding Backstory to its portfolio of customer solutions.
As Robert Herjavec wrote in today’s press release, “Bringing Chronicle to market in Canada will enable Herjavec Group, and our enterprise customers to perform faster incident response queries and benefit from historical data look ups. I’m talking years of data logs in milliseconds. This is unheralded in terms of threat detection & investigation ability”.
Chronicle co-founder Mike Wiacek will join Robert Herjavec to talk about the partnership and how we’ll work together, on Wednesday September 25th at the Google Office in Toronto. Enterprise security business leaders that are interested in attending can register here.
Read the Herjavec Group press release here to learn more about this exciting new partnership.